I Love Book Post #59

Eine neue Woche ist vergangen und hier bekommt Ihr wie an jedem Wochenende eine Übersicht meiner neuen Bücher:

Zur Rezension:

Flackernde Gaslampen, dampfbetriebene Kutschen und Digitagebücher – das ist die Welt von Nora Dearly im Jahr 2195. Die 17-Jährige lebt im Internat, bis sie eines Tages entführt wird: Denn ein Virus greift um sich, das Menschen in lebende Tote verwandelt – und Nora trägt als Einzige die Antikörper in ihrem Blut. Bald muss sie feststellen, dass es auch wandelnde Untote gibt, die sich ihre Menschlichkeit dank eines Antiserums erhalten können. Und Bram, ihr Entführer, ist einer von ihnen. Nora verliebt sich in den jungen Mann, doch die Endlichkeit seiner Existenz bedroht ihre Liebe. Nur Noras Vater, ein hochrangiger Wissenschaftler, könnte ein Gegenmittel entwickeln, doch er ist selbst infiziert und droht zu sterben. Ist Noras Welt endgültig dem Untergang geweiht?


Most sixteen-year-olds have friends. Aden Stone has four human souls inside him: One can time-travel. One can raise the dead. One can tell the future. And one can possess another human. With no family and a life spent in and out of institutions, Aden and the souls have become friends. But now they're causing him all kinds of trouble. Like, he'll blink and suddenly he's a younger Aden, reliving the past. Or he'll walk past a total stranger and know how she's going to die. He's so over it. All he wants is peace. And then he meets a girl who quiets the voices. Why? Mary Ann Gray is his total opposite. For her sake, he should stay away. But it's too late…. Somehow, they share an inexplicable friendship. A bond about to be tested by a werewolf who wants Mary Ann, and a vampire princess Aden can't resist. Two romances, both forbidden. Still, the four will enter a dark underworld of intrigue and danger–but not everyone will come out alive….

When Claire is ordered to repair the systems that protect Morganville, it’s not just cutting into her study time, it’s a life-threatening problem. If there’s one thing this vampire-infested town is serious about, it’s security.

But achieving the impossible only brings a whole new set of problems, and the upgrades have unexpected consequences: people inside the town are slowly beginning to forget who they are, even the vampires. Soon, the town’s little memory problem has turned into a full-on epidemic. Now Claire needs to figure out a way to pull the plug on her experiment – before she forgets how to save Morganville…

Amongst the wasteland lies the gleaming city of Karm. A Camelot-esque utopia built from the ashes of a dying world.

Seventeen-year-old Fallon is no daughter of Karm.

She's its assassin.

Raised by a secret society of rebels, she's bent on bringing down the king's sham of an existence. But her first mark, one of the king's top knights of the Force, makes her question everything. Even her heart.

For three teens going back to the past is the only way to save the future.

After years of recession a new political party is ascending to power. To control the United States they must offer leaders people will vote for. The Party has chosen a select group of teens to attend the Institute for Youth Development (IYD) for training to become the nation’s next leaders. But no one has a perfect past and in a world where every moment is captured on film it has become increasingly difficult to find future politicians. Everyone has something from their past they wish they could change.

Matt wants to go back and change the night he drove drunk and ended the life of his girlfriend and best friend; Farrah-Kate, the daughter of America’s most tragic actress, wants to save her movie star mother; and Rick is ordered to go back and change the night he hacked the governments computers.

Marvin Winn, a casino billionaire and Party founder has funded a device that will take the chosen back in time to alter their past. But not everyone is attending the Institute because they want to join The Party. And while everyone returns to their past, one person will choose not to come back, putting everything The Party seeks to achieve at risk.

Gekauft (Amazon Gutschein):

Alles übers Häkeln in einem Buch: Das Nachschlagewerk erläutert umfassend die Grundtechniken mit Hilfe von klaren Anleitungen und leicht verständlichen Schritt-für-Schritt-Zeichnungen.

Über 1000 Abbildungen führen Sie durch alle Themen dieser Handarbeitstechnik. Vom Grundwissen bis zu den Kenntnissen erfahrener Häklerinnen, über den Umgang mit Nadeln und Wolle bis hin zur richtigen Pflege Ihrer gehäkelten Werke.

Quelle der Kurzbeschreibungen: amazon.de

1 Kommentare

  1. Ghost Town hab ich mir diese Woche für den Kindle gekauft da es das in der Aktion für nur 0,99 Cent gab, nun brauch ich nur noch die ersten 8 Bände ;-)
    LG Alice

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